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A special bouquet of 2 yellow lilies and 6 yellow gerbera daisies for the best man in your life – your dad! Send this hearty bunch wrapped in special packing to make his day!
A dignified way to remember a departed loved one. This lovely bunch of 20 white carnations, wrapped in sober blue will signify honour and remembrance.
Flowers and chocolates must be star crossed lovers, since they go so well together. This is a charming bunch of warm 18 yellow roses complimented with gooey bars of Cadbury’s Dairy Milk. For the sender and receiver’s pleasure only!
A red roses is the secret key to unlock your special person’s heart. This is a simple and gorgeous bunch of 12 lovely reds hand-crafted for that someone.
On a special day of your loved one what else could they ask more than glittering ruby 20 red roses that are packed to show your abundance love.